Tuesday, November 2, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: house boat + hybrid


To me, a houseboat would be a poor application for hybrid technology. Since the ICE would typically be run at one speed, you don't need the batteries for acceleration or range, so therefore, they have no purpose.

A hybrid planing craft on the other hand would be a good application since the batteries (even better capacitors) would provide the energy for the hole shot.

All houseboats need gensets, and it could operate electric propulsion motors in the hull, too. But putting in batteries, too doesn't give you any advantage unless you need to motor around the harbor in stealth mode.

--- In electricboats@yahoogroups.com, "cgirsch01" <charlie@...> wrote:
> I've been a fly on the wall for the past month or so, taking in all your wisdom/experience.
> I see that much of the conversation is about sail boat conversions. My interest is to build out a 40 - 50 foot floating cabin on the Mississippi. I lean toward a three tube pontoon configuration and the possibility of grabbing some junked Honda, Ford, or Toyota hybrid set ups (possibly including CVT transmission) to move it about.
> My question - anybody out there playing with this size effort?
> Charlie

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