Wednesday, November 24, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: New guy Questions



You make a good point. I'll have to remind the guy badmouthing electric conversions on the Cheoy Lee board that spent 6 months and more than $6000 converting his sailboat that doesn't perform the way that the electric drive vendor led him to believe. He's now trying to sell his boat for what he paid before the conversion, and he's not getting any takers.

There have been a number of people that have come here asking about converting ski boats and 50'+ houseboats to pure electric. I believe that it is our responsibility to give them enough real information (not marketing hype) so that they can make their own choices. But perhaps I shouldn't be so negative, at least we'll have more slightly used components available at lower costs for our own projects after their projects fail....

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

--- In, hob tonn <marlborosounds@...> wrote:
> G'day People.
> I hope that this will not turn up in everyones spam box.
> I believe that if people wish to change to electric power then they should do
> just that, without people trying to talk them out of it or showing the negative side of things....
> So all the Killjoy's out there, Let the people be who they are and maybe one of
> them will invent something that you will purchase in a few years for your
> boating fun.
> Cheers
> Robbie
> S/V Qwave

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