Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] High end electric/diesel yacht


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] High end electric/diesel yacht


I think one has to remember that it's a HYBRID, not an electric boat.
Like a hybrid car, the electric drive is there for the "boost" and LOW speed.  It's not intended for cruising.

It might come in very handy in tight quarters when the big diesels cannot idle down far enough for precise maneuvering.  Also nice for sneaking out on a fishing trip at 0400 without waking up the entire marina.

How practical it will be in the long run remains to be seen.


Why is a hybrid not electric? The only defining factor to be electric is that you use accu's? Is this group only dealing with discussions about accu"s?
I like ICE/accu/electric or ICE/electric very much.
Apart from the advantages you mention it is NOT complex, you will have 2 or 3 well defined autonomous units plus a controller wich you can install in the place that suits you best.
An electric motor is much smaller than ICE so it is much easier to remove and service (a few bolts and cables).
An Ice can you install in the most conveniant place and is easy to remove and service (a few bolts and cables).
Accu's are great internal ballast (most weight per cubic feet)
You can let an ICE work at its optimum and don't have to play with the revs constantly ( and are much better/easier to silence)
You can let the electric motor work at its optimum for motor and prop.
Once ICEgenerators for boats get popular enough you will get beautiful plug-in units like a bigger form of Honda EU2000/Honda 20I that are competitive with standard marine ICE.


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