Sunday, July 4, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Use of Battery Boxes with agm's, gel or other sealed batter



I have a Torqeedo 801L. It is an 800 watt motor with a very efficient prop and controller. I have not pushed it to the limit but can run at 3 knots for at least 2 hours, enough to get me back from the mid Chesapeake when the wind dies. I have no currents to deal with. I use a Guest dual bank charger; 2 x 10A. Since I leave it overnight in the slip this is no problem. The main advantage of electric for me is that the motor and mount are relatively lightweight compared to an ICE. I am 75. It is quiet, though not silent, and I don't have the danger of gasoline onboard. Sailing once or twice a week from May through November for the past two years I have used about $2 worth of electricity.
Yes, the Typhoon is a joy to sail. In 15 knots of wind I have seen 6 knots on the GPS.

On Jul 4, 2010, at 6:04 AM, davidhughes_casaba wrote:



I would be interested in what you are using for electric propulsion and how much range the 2 group 31s give you. Also, what do you do for recharge?

I always liked the Typhoons, they are a good sailing boat.



--- In, Ned Farinholt <nedfarinholt@...> wrote:
> Dave,
> I have two grp 31 AGMs installed in my Cape Dory Typhoon. One is on its side. I installed circuit breakers near each battery. One is forward under the bunks and one under the cockpit floor. I did not use boxes because there was no room. I did put covers on the terminals. This is my third season and no problems so far. I would have used boxes had it been possible, just for the added safety.
> Ned
> On Jul 1, 2010, at 2:48 PM, davidhughes_casaba wrote:
> > I would be interested to hear what various group members have done with regard to utilizing or not battery boxes with battery types such as AGMs which reportably do not need one and can be mounted on their side. Does anyone forgo them as a result of this characteristic or do people still use battery boxes just because or for other reasons (please note reason)?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Dave
> >
> >

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