Saturday, July 3, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: Electric Boat Project


I just completed a similar project to what you are thinking of. I got a 16' centerboard sail boat(Precision 16) out of a neighbor's weeds along with a dead 25hp johnson o/b. I used an etek motor I had hooked up to 48V (4-105ah agm's toward the bow) and charge with 4-75w panels hooked up to a dingo mppt charge controller. The panels are 10 yrs old and put out close to 4amps in full sun. I have the largest prop option 9.25"x12 . I run the boat at 4.4kts using 30-35 amps. Full throttle pulls 150amps and goes 7-8kts and doesn't quite get up on a plane. I keep it on an out haul in a tidal area on the coast of Maine. I have access for 3/4 of the tide and it sits in the mud the rest. I rarely pull the batteries down very far but if I did I am not sure if the 4amp charge rate would be enough to prevent sulfation or if they are down and we have no sun for a week how much damage is being done. Time will tell. So far the rig works very well for what I need and the precision hull has some good features. It has some flotation ( I added more), the boat is a double hull and self bales , there are two covers that are removable to build battery boxes under, You can walk on to the bow for easy boarding from shore or tending moorings etc. I will try to post some pictures but I am having a bit of trouble with i-photo right now.

--- In, "mpbrother_2200" <mpbrother_2200@...> wrote:
> I just moved to a lake that only allows electric motors and bought a 14' fiberglass. I have a small electric trolling motor on it now but want to build a more powerful system. I am considering using an etek clone and hooking that up to a used 2 hp evinrude outboard I just got for $20. Id like to get 4 of the walmart large marine max batteries wired for 24V and hook it all up to solar panels and a charge controller. I found a machine shop down the street so I can have something fabricated to attach the motor to the evinrude. Does anyone have experience with this type of set up? Is it the right move to go with a permanent magnet dc or should I look into other motors such as AC? When I get the motor can I just hook it up to the outboard or do I need to change anything such as gear reduction etc.? Will the 12V batteries be fine or should I look into 6V etc.? Any other insight would be appreciated

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