Monday, July 5, 2010

[Electric Boats] calculate best measure prop


Hello electricboaters,

I Own a litle electric boat, see attachment.

As you can see (click at more pictures) it has a 8.2: x 12 pitch prop.

I replaced the electric motor with this one.

Type:A140 PLMW11 Bekr: PM Isol.KL: F
U: 24V DC N: 1100min-1 Nr.: 2501
I : 60 A IP: 42
P: 1100 W ID: S2-30 VDE530/84

I have on this motor a 100 mm diameter pulley with a belt to the propshaftaxle which has a 130 mm pulley. Now, I've experimented a bit with the best combination of pulley with this motor. Is there a way that you can calculate the best ratio for this?

Of cource i realize that increasing the diameter of the prop would help, but obvious there's isn't enough room.

I'm looking for a bit more speed as it seems that I even don't reach hull spead. Can this be done by altering the prop pitch=
Can someone give me tips om how to get speed up? I have a potmeter to control the speed of the boat. I dont want to boat on full power all the time but if I need it, I'd like to have some more umph when needed. I live at a streaming river, not that fast, but enough.

I'm not an electrician but trying to be as auto didactive as I can. Everyone I ask doesn't seem to understand really what I'm talking about. The only advice I get: bigger motor, or more batteries, but as I undertand that is not the thing or solution. So anyone of this good group with advice would be appreciated. I think you guys and girls should know and could lead me in the right direction.

I also looked at the propellors from Torqeedo, but these seem to have a different way of attachment tot the prop axle.

Thanks in advance,

Roland Kruijer
The Netherlands

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