Friday, November 13, 2009

[Electric Boats] 41 feet Morgan Out Island Ketch


Andreas, I start a new thread/topic/subject, since your first post may have gotten buried in another's subject. Welcome.

I love that your boat moves slowly with a lowly 4hp outboard. It seems like you are in the ballpark expecting an 8kw motor to give between 5 and 6 knots. That is near what I am getting, though I lack GPS verification. I'm early in sea-trials with my 55 foot Marco Polo sailboat, auxiliary powered by a 23hp GE 96VDC 170pound electric motor driving a near 23" 3-blade prop from 1000pounds of US125 6v wet golfcart batteries. I've de-tuned the 400amp motor controller to only 175amps, since I've got poor motor cooling and old batteries, but that's still about 16kw full throttle. I've only used full throttle for a few seconds, just to make sure my jury-rigged motor mount would hold together. About 4kw (40amps*100volts) gives me about 4knots for about 4 hours.
I'm in dry-dock right now, but I've collected some info on other e-boats, large and small, hoping to make it easier for people such as yourself to do a green marine repower. From the "Links" section there to the left, check out Also, "A Beginners Guide" by aweekdaysailor. And more!

Mark Stafford

Original post from Andreas:
My name is Andreas and this is my first post. very green here, Full time cruiser on 41 feet Morgan Out Island Ketch, name Savana in Florida. Have Kiss wind generator, 4 big solar panel and just had my 1967 Perkins 4/107 rebuild for 7000 dollars, but did not put it in the engine room. Pushing with a 4 hp Tohatsu 4 stroke on dinghy at 3.5 kts in calm wind and no current. Boat weighs 30000 lbs loaded as is. I do not want the diesel in it , who can help me figure out the electric alternative. Hull speed is 8 kts. I have read somewhere that 500 Watt per Ton will give me 70 % or 5.6 kts of speed, That would be around 8 kw motor for my boat, is that possible or is my boat to big and heavy ? thanks for the help out there.



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