Saturday, May 30, 2009

Re: [Electric Boats] RE: Electric power for over 30' [Question for Dave K]

This is all interesting but not very relevant unless you are building an electric tugboat.  It's like comparing the ability to pull a plow with a 40 hp John Deere tractor vs a 400 hp Corvette.  I bet the tractor wins.
"I believe you are correct Dennis and since I have given up on the Corvette idea I'll continue with my Johnny Dearest, the speed is much closer to the JD anyway"
A prop in a nozzle has much greater efficiency at zero speed (who cares how efficient it is at zero?) but the efficiency drops off fast as the boat gets moving through the water. 
"not going to debate you on this one Dennis but I don't think you are quite correct.  The Nozzle is good up to about 14/15 knots, the effecieny does go down but still better than an open prop
 Dennis, I wasn't trying to compare HP between the 2, just make a comparrison with increased effeciency you can improve your proformance and add to your battery bank life...       So no argument on my end

Always enjoy your posts, lots of insight and experience from the real world...  I will crawl back in my effeciency box and regen hole and be quiet....
Dave K

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