Saturday, May 30, 2009

[Electric Boats] Re: Electric power for over 30'

What are your expected sailing conditions (winds, tides, chop, etc). It has a lot to do with how you size the system.

Based on my experience (Hunter 30 9800lb disp) I would go with one of those dual-motor/dual-controller setups - so you have max HP when needed, as well as backup emergency go if you lose 1 system.

Someone just posted on one for sale but I think the numbers (9KW @ 24V) were wonky - that's probably the 48 or 72V max HP rating.

9KW is about 12HP - should handle most conditions just fine on your boat as long as the batteries hold out. That's the real problem on larger boats - your "diesel credit" in weight isn't much better than mine, but you need more power, so you're either going to be heavy or have less range.


--- In, "Tom" <iloveamercedes@...> wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I know there must be a thread for powering sailboats over 30' with electric motors. Can someone direct me to it?
> My sailboat is a Cal 35 Cruising. She is of 15,000 lbs. Displacement.
> I think this project would need around 35 hp. She has a 4-108 Perkins of 'Claimed' 50HP hahahaha!
> Anyway, with what little I know about this, I would need a bank of about 5 Golf Cart Batteries.
> I also want to utilize Solar Panels as well as a Gas Power Generator.
> So let me know how screwed up my ideas are so I can get an idea of where to start here.
> Thanks

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