Wednesday, May 27, 2009

[Electric Boats] New Electric Boat Packages


I have been working on electric boats for 4 years. I have two electric boats myself, one a Catalina 30 powered by a Vetus 2.2 KW electric motor and the other a 17 foot, 4,000 lb. service boat I call my toolboat. The toolboat is completely solar powered and has been energy independent for 2.5 years, servicing boats in the Santa Barbara Harbor.

The Vetus motor is underpowered for a 30 foot sailboat but it is still quite an interesting application. Coupled to a 20KWH battery bank it can motor over 20 miles at 3 knots and is capable of 4.2 knots. However it would be better suited to a smaller boat and the complete package is for sale.

I am now working on packages for electric boat owners that feature the Mars motor mounted onto a Browning Gearbox with integral thrust bearing. We use the Sevcon controller. New motors will soon be available from Germany up to 18 KW and from the U.S. up to 50 KW. I I plan to have an electric motor system for every boat up to 60 feet.

The gearbox solution is quite elegant compared to belts or chains. 10 different gear ratios allow the motor to be properly matched to the propellor. (Improper gearing results in either too little power or compromised efficiency.) The integral thrust bearing makes installation easy.

Our new solution to electric boats is now up for discussion. I welcome your input.

Best Regards,


James Lambden
Above the Waterline

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