Sunday, May 24, 2009

[Electric Boats] Homemade electric auxillary?


I'm looking for an inexpensive way to have an electric backup if my main motor fails on my 4.3m runabout. I am in an isolated (freshwater) area and want something small that could propel me the few km to the shore in the event of the gas motor failure. I could buy a commercial electric motor, but they are about the $300 mark. I may never use it, and they are a bit bulky if stored in the boat.

What I envision is some sort of electric motor and prop that could attach onto the cavitation plate on the main engine, with some wires that would simply clip to the battery. That arrangement would also enable steering.

I wondered about modifying an old electric car radiator fan. They seem to be about 200w and must have some degree of water resistance. They also have a `prop' attached but I wonder about gearing. It doesn't have to be the perfect solution, but just `good enough'.

Does anyone have any experience with, or ideas about, this issue?



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