Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] nice motor


>These motors direct drive the wheels so put out that power at low
>speed, more than suitable for a nice large efficient low speed prop.

>However the 600v needed for the traction converter would be a bit of a
>challenge and some what dangerous. A 600vDC arc will happily jump
>2cm or more. Nasty if you get in the wrong place.

Exactly why I'm making my 5KW, 0-2000 RPM "Electric Hubcap" motors to
use just 36 VDC. I was going to make them 120, but I figured I'd
electrocute myself before I was finished playing around with them. So
I rewired the 3 coils per phase to parallel instead of series:
(40+40+40=120 or 40:40:40=40 -- close enough to 36).

Operating currents are of course triple instead.


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