Monday, May 28, 2012

END THE THREAD: RE: [Electric Boats] Re: 300 mile range at 60mph plugin


Let's drop this thread now.

It has never been about electric boats or boating at all and despite a few of us who have attempted to give it relevance, the responses have drifted from incredulity and defenses regarding ACP's performance claims to 'why don't they just make diesels' to French women driving like carnival clowns without a single mention of boats.


If we're to discuss range and performance, let's keep it focused on range and performance of electric boats.




From: [] On Behalf Of KEN
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Re: 300 mile range at 60mph plugin



"The marketing and lack of culture in america has lead to a pathetic mentality.  Bigger is not necessarily better.  The cars made for the american people are oversize and overweight.  They are perfect Alf machines ... made only to pump up egos and to waste limited resources."


well aint YOU just so smart and superior?

not smug or condescending at all!


gee glad to know your wife drives like a carnival clown..

I think I've made my point now.

--- On Mon, 5/28/12, Tim cordes <> wrote:

From: Tim cordes <>
Subject: [Electric Boats] Re: 300 mile range at 60mph plugin
To: "" <>
Date: Monday, May 28, 2012, 11:36 AM


My wife has a Peugeot 206HDI.  It gets over 45 mpg on diesel.  It gets this type of milage when driving stop and start in the city.  It gets about the same on the autoroute (interstate) ... where she drives it between 84 mph and 65 mph.  


She is a french woman.  All french women enter into a state of mind similar to that of a football player going into a big match.  She doesn't drive slow or easy.  The roads are not flat.  Riding with her is a bit stressful as it is somewhat like a carnival ride.


The marketing and lack of culture in america has lead to a pathetic mentality.  Bigger is not necessarily better.  The cars made for the american people are oversize and overweight.  They are perfect Alf machines ... made only to pump up egos and to waste limited resources.


The electric car companies are marketing driven.  They are there only to make money.  Not by producing a useable product. Only to get government funding and then sell out to the DOE or petroleum corporations.  The US will not see or allow electric transportation (unless the Chinese decide to develop and sell it). Gasoline will be shifted to LNG or CNG.  That way the dominant corporations will simply shift their technology and remain in power.


Hope I am wrong, but those who plan the world have already done so.

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