Monday, May 28, 2012

[Electric Boats] Re: 300 mile range at 60mph plugin


By "demonstrated" I meant that they drove it 300mile in front of the press on a round trip highway journey on real world roads that included some climbs from the valley into the mountains. The trip was done on battery power. Your definition of "demonstrated" may be different.

Tesla uses the technology developed by this company for their drivetrain. The T-Zero was built on a Piontek Sportech which is a considerably lighter car than the Lotus on which the Telsa is built.

They also had a generator mounted on a trailer for longer journeys.

For a group that is about implementing some non-standard technology there sure seems to be a lot of nay-saying without research here.

> Many of us aren't ready to accept the performance 'claims' and the descriptive word "demonstrated" may well be misapplied.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On May 27, 2012, at 7:47 AM, "Tim" <haywardt@...> wrote:
> > They have been demonstrating this kind of performance for quite some time.
> >
> >

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