Sunday, May 27, 2012

[Electric Boats] Re: 300 mile range at 60mph plugin


Good link. Thanks.

While possible, if they are using the same technology as Tesla, achieving a 50% improvement is unlikey. Incremental improvement, yes, radical improvement by tweaking old technology, no. And here, Tesla is using technology that is 10 years newer.

It would be like a car with an IC engine suddenly coming out and getting 100 mpg.

What would be the fuel efficiency of a diesel engine operating at 180 watt-hr/mile, which is their figure? Assume the diesel burns a gallon per day per used horsepower, and their 180 watt-hr/mile figure is at 60 mph.

180 watt-hr per mile converts to 0.24 hp-hr/mi or 14.47 hp-hr/60 miles.

A 14.47 hp diesel motor would burn about 14.47 gallons per day. At 60 miles per hour, it would travel 1440 miles in a day thereby achieving 100 miles per gallon. At 35 mph, it would probably do twice that.

Naw. If their vehicle really was that efficient rolling, they would have put a diesel in it and sold it for 20K instead of going broke trying to sell electric versions at $200K.

John Casperson

--- In, "Myles Twete" <matwete@...> wrote:
> > 300 miles at 60 mph takes 5 hours. Say it takes 20KW to produce that
> speed. (About 30 hp). Then it would need a battery with 100 KW-hr usable.
> > I am skeptical.
> ACP has been in the EV product development biz for a long time now and is
> widely recognized in EV circles for its technology.
> And Tesla Roadsters have demonstrated 220+ mile range now since 2008 or so (
> decent analysis and curves here:
> ). At 60mph,
> the Roadster requires 250wh/mi. Assuming similar performance in an ACP
> vehicle, you're looking at needing at least 75kwh usable. In the case of
> the Roadster: "The typical full capacity of a new battery pack when charged
> to 100% in maximum range mode and discharged steadily over 3 hours is about
> 55kWh."
> While it would be a challenge to achieve 50% greater range performance than
> the Roadster at 60mph, I don't see it as unrealizable given deep enough
> pockets, the right engineering team and the latest batteries.
> And when it doesn't work out, I want the battery pack for my boat!
> -Myles Twete, Portland, Or.

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