Sunday, May 27, 2012

[Electric Boats] Re: 300 mile range at 60mph plugin


I'm skeptical too. My guess it's a "plug-in" HYBRID, maybe like the Chevy Volt, and will go as far as the GAS TANK will allow. If it were an EV I'd think the ad would have said so. It could be done with electric, but at what cost??? 100kwh of lithium battery is going to be expensive, and any other type would probably be too heavy for an automobile.

--- In, "john_casperson" <john_casperson@...> wrote:
> --- In, Kirk McLoren <kirkmcloren@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> > sounds pretty good.
> >
> 300 miles at 60 mph takes 5 hours.
> Say it takes 20KW to produce that speed. (About 30 hp)
> Then it would need a battery with 100 KW-hr usable.
> I am skeptical.
> John Casperson

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