Friday, May 18, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] hydrofoil 100 km range at 4kts (or 7.4kmh)


I'll answer your question obliquely, not to be evasive, but to be more accurate. What I expected them to post was the longest range at any speed, but while "riding on the foils", not on the hull. Or, better yet, to have made two range claims. Dan

> Hi Dan,
> But when you read the article, did you think that they meant 4kts when they said the hydrofoil has a 100km range? That they meant at less than 10% throttle? To me that's a little extreme... I would have preferred a range quote for "cruising" speed, what ever that might be for this little, sporty hydrofoil. Cruising range is an accepted industry measurement for recreational trawlers and cabin cruisers, and they don't mean at 20% of top speed.
> Eric
> Marina del Rey, CA

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