Sunday, June 19, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: POTS


Points taken and understood.
We use our pontoon boat on a small lake for primary access to our cottage so it must work when we need it. That being said, I could paddle it ashore from anywhere on the lake in about 5 minutes, or all the way across in about 20. But as you say it would suck to go crashing into a dock at full speed.
At least I have an emergency cutoff for the batteries.

--- In, Mike <biankablog@...> wrote:
> Since throttle control on a boat is rather important. The only thing I would recommend is don't skimp on the device.  I'm not sure what make came with my Thoosa 9000 system but, it seems to be a pretty robust industrial type of control. You can see it here:
> No matter what pot you use make sure it is protected from water intrusion and weather. You don't want the boat going to full power or to zero suddenly because some contacts shorted out in your throttle control because of a drop of water getting on them.
> Capt. Mike

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