Monday, June 27, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Converting a Morgan Nelson-Marek 45'


I would think that a high voltage system like that would be best done with an AC induction motor (like yours). There aren't many AC Induction drive systems at that voltage for a continuous rating of only 10-12kW. You do raise a good point, 11kW @ 144V is less than 80A, so all of the wiring would be under considerably less load.

Personally, if I needed to go past 48V, I would probably jump to 96V, if I could find the right components. Unfortunately, the Sevcon Gen4 controllers that handle AC induction and PMAC motors, max out at 80V. The high voltage ABYC recommendations suggest no battery banks at greater than 48V, so two banks takes you to 96V, and the higher the voltage, the lower the amps. I don't know if any of our regular vendors have found an appropriate collection of 96V components.

We'll have to see how things develop...

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

--- In, Steve Dolan <sdolan@...> wrote:
> I'm curious why a 144V system isn't considered for this size boat. I'll also add that the more individual batteries you run the more maintenance your going to have from torking cable connectors to general battery upkeep. I'll also put a plug in for AGM's at this time. 5 years and going strong. K.I.S.S. Battery to controller to motor.
> Steve in Solomons MD
> 410 Lagoon Catamaran



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