Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Manta motors


Just a clarification for everyone - the Swiss company, ASMO Karts, which is the reference in Steve's email, is not the same company as ASMO Marine in Copenhagen, Denmark.  ASMO Marine uses the Lynch motor (now made by LMC and run by Cedric's former partner, Trevor Lees) in their Thoosa systems.  They have a very good relationship with LMC.

Sally Reuther
Annapolis Hybrid Marine

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 6:40 PM, Steve Marshall <> wrote:

Hi All 

I am a boat builder and designer.
 some years back I came across this fellow and was very impressed with him and his inventiveness
here's a link to some history

I was very impressed by him and his early web site indicated a very difficult time with his dealings with ASMO, (I think ) 
From memory, He did win a court battle and was substantially paid off. 
He now has his motors made by Agni in India (once again,I think )

He was very helpful to me and his motors were stack-able (like donuts ) so greater horsepower's could be obtained. 
 For my own part the boat I had hoped to electrically power can be seen on my Blog    Marshall design  or Trailer Trawler. 
I am currently building a belt drive that will transfer the motor out put down to the prop shaft  approx 360mm lower.
Steve Marshall

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