Monday, June 27, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Portable Generator


Just in case you've never heard of it, the Boliy Pro3600SI generator has some good sounding specs and great price and seems well reviewed, if anybody was thinking such a thing would be handy to have around for about a grand. 
- Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.
Abraham Lincoln

From: Mike <>
Sent: Mon, June 27, 2011 6:45:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Portable Generator


I'm using the standard Honda 2000i eu with UL plugs. I operate it on the port aft location and have a heavy duty extension cord that connects to my 48 volt zivan charger located on the starboard side. I also use an adapter that I sometimes use to connect up to my boats shore power connection (which is on the port side) so I can also use the generator to power my 12 volt battery charger and/or operate an occassional power tool on board via the AC outlets. The 30 amp plug like would allow me to lose the adapter but, I don't think it is worth it for me to change to the companion model with the 30 Amp outlet. Since you are in the process of buying a generator you might find it handy and worth the extra cost.
Capt. Mike

--- On Mon, 6/27/11, Pitt <> wrote:

From: Pitt <>
Subject: [Electric Boats] Portable Generator
Date: Monday, June 27, 2011, 10:51 PM

Which generator? 2000i. Or the companion? I understand the companion has the same plug as the 30amp shore power plug? Or are you plugging your battery charger in with the standard plug?

Back to the WoW factor I was motor only yesterday steady speed 5kts with the tide and 3.5-4kts against the tide round trip of aproximately 8-10 miles,Wow factor silent running is almost eerie without the sails up and the list! We could hear what people were saying the whole time, the music was kept low cause you could hear it, wow the anchored fishing people's quizzical looks when we silently slid past. I increased my prop size Dia and pitch, the instant power docking is fantastic. She still cannot turn when going backwards. But she jumps forward and you can feel the responsive ness to the power, post/diesel the revving noise and smoke etc the indicators have all changed, for the better. Both being able to hear and be heard 50 ft from my crew with the rope when docking is brilliant.

There are gremlins in the system that may or may not be important? The amazing Scott at Electric Yacht has arranged a professional gremlin hunter to fly in and prove that it's all in my head and to make me happy!

There are no numbers to share cause there are readings that suggest %246 after a four hour run?



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