Thursday, June 30, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: New numbers - I would love your input - I will upload the excell file next


Hi Richard,

From a vendors standpoint, that makes sense. Since different battery types have different usage guidelines, it's tougher to make it "one size fits all". Many people here use the guidelines of 60% DoD for FLA, 70% DoD for AGM and 80% for Lithium. Many mainstream boaters use a 50% limit for their deep cycle FLA house batteries. Of course, using a 100% limit doesn't give one much of a reserve....

I would be interested if the range and hours figures are tailored for battery type, your numbers worked out to a Peukert's exponent of 1.10, which is a typical figure for AGM batteries. Flooded cells can vary more widely and typically fall into the 1.2 to 1.3 range. I use 1.25 as a reasonable average for flooded cell performance calculations.

My E-Xpert Pro HV allows for a battery's Peukert exponent to be entered into the meter to make it's capacity predictions more accurate. My Lithium batteries were spec'd with a PE of 1.03 and that figure is proving to be fairly accurate through observation.

Fair winds,

--- In, Richard Mair <fullkeel2000@...> wrote:
> Hi Eric.Brett
>   I e-mailed Scott at Electric Yacht.He confirmed that the readings are to 100% discharge..He did not want to presume what depth customers would use..
> Richard

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