Sunday, June 26, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] 26' Bayliner


Yes you can buy stacked electric motors, but that is not your issue, the issue is not power, but power storage.  Batteries are the limiting factor. You would have zero issue getting a motor that could drive your boat at 30 knots. But the batteries would only last ten minutes. 

Stacked dc motors can be had at any electric car conversion site.  
As for ac motors electricyacht has the 360ibl and there is even an interesting ac 48 volt car kit that would be interesting to drop in a boat:,1,388,17,27462.html

But you could not use full power for more then a few minutes. 

On Jun 26, 2011, at 5:29 AM, Jeff Gomes <> wrote:


has anyone tried putting two motors back to back that seems to be what they are doing on the cars they are using for raceing? And if you put a automatic transmision behind it would the gearing change the amount of electric you use like it does for the amount of gas beeing used on a gas engine?


Jeff S Gomes

--- On Sun, 6/26/11, John Raynes <> wrote:

From: John Raynes <>
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] 26' Bayliner
Date: Sunday, June 26, 2011, 12:16 PM


There is opportunity for higher performance electric propulsion for boat conversions and there are some fast electric boats being built as we speak.  My conversion to electric in 2009 was a platform to have data to work from for future developments.  I am working on the next generation for electric powerboats with some new technology that I hope will be of interest.



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