Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Solar panels


Hi there

I have Solara M panels on my boat and these are designed for marine use and you can walk on them.  They are a few mm thick and are mounted on a stainless steel plate. The panels can be curved a little to conform to a gentle deck curvature.  On my boat they a bonded to the deck using sikaflex.

here is link to a site that sells them here in Australia.  I couldn't fin the manufacturer's site (They are made in Germany)

What I like about them is that they take up no room, no extra windage, and quite robust and well sealed.  Its seems that they are used on navigation buoys and other remote marine installations.

The drawback is that they are 2 to 3 times more expensive than regular solar panels.  But it would mean you could go ahead and build your hull in the normal way and then glue these on later.  And if one does get damaged somehow you can just take it off and replace it.  (Mine are 6 years old now and they are fine)



On 01/02/2011, at 9:22 AM, Joe wrote:


I wanted to completely embed the PV panels in the upward facing portions of a fiberglass hull I'm building. Can this even be done? The idea is to be able to walk/stand/sit on them. Is this an awful Idea? Or is it awesome? really cant tell. I dont want to crush the cells and have no way of repairing them.

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