Sunday, January 30, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] multiple charging sources


Are you saying that the outputs from the wind genny and the solar panels can be different system voltages and the Xantrex will convert them to 48v for charging?


--- In, chris Baker <chris@...> wrote:
> Hi Victor,
> There's also a way to do this using just one charge controller, such as a Xantrex C40 in load diversion mode. (Others such as Morningstar also have load diversion regulators)
> This is what i use on Current Sunshine, and whether the charging comes from solar, wind, regen or charger connected to the genset, the Xantrex is watching over it.
> The cool thing that I like about this kind of charge control is what you can do with the diverted power. I use a water heater element as the load and so whenever there is spare power it produces hot water for me.
> The way it works is that the solar, wind etc are all connected directly to the battery bank and they can just go ahead and deliver the maximum power that is available. And this is a good thing for wind generators because it keeps them fully loaded.
> And the Xantrex is also connected to the battery, and it just watches the voltage and keeps it to the required level by siphoning off power whenever its needed. Notice that the Xantrex is not between the charge source and the battery, as with the usual solar controllers, or some of the controllers on wind generators. The Xantrer is kind of off to the side, just watching over it all, dumping power when needed.
> For this to work you need to have a wind generator that is designed to use load diversion type regulator, such as Four Winds or Rutland or D400. I'm not sure what would happen with say an Airex which has a regulator built in to the unit.
> Cheers
> Chris
> On 30/01/2011, at 4:05 PM, vjmtymo wrote:
> > Any opinions about running several charging/regen sources into the batteries simultaneously? Is there any special management of solar panels, prop regen, and a wind turbine all at once? They will all be supplying slightly different voltages (albeit above the battery voltage for a charge) but does it all average out on the battery end of things or am I missing a detail here? If there is a previous post/string on the subject, I'd appreciate the reference, thanks.
> >
> > Victor
> >
> >

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