Sunday, January 30, 2011

[Electric Boats] Re: multiple charging sources



Caution about multiple chargers on AGM batteries. If there is no load while charging, the batteries may vent during finishing charging, which is a long term no-no. Bulk charging is no problem: most batteries will accept very high rates of charge up to about 80% fully charged, then they start gassing.

See messages #13676 and #10427. You can search by words or by message numbers.

Mark Stafford

--- In, "vjmtymo" <vjmtymo@...> wrote:
> Any opinions about running several charging/regen sources into the batteries simultaneously? Is there any special management of solar panels, prop regen, and a wind turbine all at once? They will all be supplying slightly different voltages (albeit above the battery voltage for a charge) but does it all average out on the battery end of things or am I missing a detail here? If there is a previous post/string on the subject, I'd appreciate the reference, thanks.
> Victor

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