Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Solar panels


I use a pair Sunwize Solcharger SC24-12V panels on my boat.  They are made of FR4 plastic instead of the usual tempered glass so they wont shatter.  But I built a rigid base for them to be mounted to the cabin top so they can't flex if they get stepped on.  They can be replaced but it would take a bit of work to get them off.  I did this intentionally to reduce the chance of theft.

Is the surface you are building flat?  If so I would consider the FR4 based cells.  Otherwise there are flexible cells which would work but are less efficient.  Of course you can also buy the cells individually and string them together in series on a curved surface so long as the orientation of the individual cells in the series are not too different.


On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Joe <> wrote:

I wanted to completely embed the PV panels in the upward facing portions of a fiberglass hull I'm building. Can this even be done? The idea is to be able to walk/stand/sit on them. Is this an awful Idea? Or is it awesome? really cant tell. I dont want to crush the cells and have no way of repairing them.

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