Let us know how the Elcon works out.
Sent from on board BIANKA
I am in the process of trying to update my system to direct current generated by my Honda 2000 gen. I have a 48vdc motor driven by a 92ah battery pack. This works great for day sailing, but for extended cruising, I will need a much larger pack or a system setup that will use my generator. I found (through postings here) that you will need a charger that will allow you to pull amps from the gen (which converts the ac to dc output) without shutting down. I have been advised that the Zivan and Elcon Chargers will allow just that. I currently use a Dual Pro 4 bank charger that works great for charging, but I have tried unsuccessfully to run the generator through this. Thus I am investing in a Elcon charger now that I will wire up with a switch that will allow me to turn on when I want to run the generator. It was a little costly (Elcon 2000 charger was around 680 shipped), But it should serve my purpose of 20% cruising 80% day sailing. This allows me to keep my boat light for racing and set for cruising. Hope this helps.
--- In, "sirdarnell" <sirdarnell@...> wrote:
> Generators:
> (Dual voltage 12/48)
> --- In, "gotopoolstuff" <catchthewind01@> wrote:
> >
> > A few years ago I converted my 27' Newport to an electric etek. I made my own mount mount. It is now failing and would like to know if anyone out there knows of a manufacture mount for boats. Also has anyone created a 48 volt generator to directly power an electric motor?
> > Thanks all for any help out there. David in NH, Sailing Vessel Love & Luck
> >
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