Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: ETEK Motor Mounts


Correction -- it's  a 1200 watt UST genny.

From: Scott O'Hearen <>
Sent: Wed, September 8, 2010 10:08:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Re: ETEK Motor Mounts


I charged 4 batts with two Guest 10 amp Charge Pro Series simultaneously with a 1500 watt genny no prob. Less than one tank of fuel made both chargers indicate green. The math tells me that it would not work but it did. The genny took some hard hits, but kept up.

From: Brian Holt <>
Sent: Wed, September 8, 2010 9:37:18 PM
Subject: [Electric Boats] Re: ETEK Motor Mounts


I am in the process of trying to update my system to direct current generated by my Honda 2000 gen. I have a 48vdc motor driven by a 92ah battery pack. This works great for day sailing, but for extended cruising, I will need a much larger pack or a system setup that will use my generator. I found (through postings here) that you will need a charger that will allow you to pull amps from the gen (which converts the ac to dc output) without shutting down. I have been advised that the Zivan and Elcon Chargers will allow just that. I currently use a Dual Pro 4 bank charger that works great for charging, but I have tried unsuccessfully to run the generator through this. Thus I am investing in a Elcon charger now that I will wire up with a switch that will allow me to turn on when I want to run the generator. It was a little costly (Elcon 2000 charger was around 680 shipped), But it should serve my purpose of 20% cruising 80% day sailing. This allows me to keep my boat light for racing and set for cruising. Hope this helps.

--- In, "sirdarnell" <sirdarnell@...> wrote:
> Generators:
> (Dual voltage 12/48)
> --- In, "gotopoolstuff" <catchthewind01@> wrote:
> >
> > A few years ago I converted my 27' Newport to an electric etek. I made my own mount mount. It is now failing and would like to know if anyone out there knows of a manufacture mount for boats. Also has anyone created a 48 volt generator to directly power an electric motor?
> > Thanks all for any help out there. David in NH, Sailing Vessel Love & Luck
> >

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