Wednesday, September 29, 2010

RE: [Electric Boats] RE: Power Boat Conversion


I’m sure this was mentioned to the list before, but I know I forgot about it---thanks for posting!

And it’s interesting looking at the specs for that boat and its history.

With twin 8kw motors (ETEK?), 520ah(5c) 48v pack and 10kwpk of solar panels, in decent sunlight they indicate ability to maintain continuous speeds of 5-6kts continuous.

They began construction in March of 2006, launched it by October of 2006 and left Spain then, arrived in Cape Verde by January of 2007 and by February 2, 2007 arrived in Martinique---less than a year after starting to build the boat!




-Myles Twete, Portland, Or.


From: [] On Behalf Of hob t
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 6:58 PM
Subject: [Electric Boats] RE: Power Boat Conversion



Here is a link to a solar boat that crossed the Atlantic a few years ago with nothing but solar and electric 8kw motors. 12tons and 520ah of batteries. Why people wish to limit what can be done and cant be done. I guess there is a first time for everything and always someone to show the masses that hey it can be done.

the other electric boat

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