Monday, September 27, 2010

RE: [Electric Boats] Re: motoring with a battery charger (Rectified?)


I couldn't have said it better…thanks Cap'n Mike!


From: [] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 5:13 AM
Subject: RE: [Electric Boats] Re: motoring with a battery charger (Rectified?)





No you are not way off on your suggestion. You certainly can go that route with for powering the system. You could also put in 48 volt 100 amp diesel generator too if you want. I chose not to for a number of reasons.


1) I spent way too much time and effort squeezing my 6 foot 2 inch frame down below working and maintaining the diesel engine there.  I did not want to go there again. You now also need fuel lines, tank, raw water input and exhaust fittings along with carrying extra belts, filters, antifreeze etc...Then there is the issue of the added weight to lug that generator around too


2)  The Honda is light at 47 pounds and I can lift it with one hand  .I can maintain it above deck in a comfortable position. Plus I can easily remove it to use at home or bring it in for a repair (if I need too)


3) I also use the Honda to power tools I need for projects on board and also to run the 12 volt house bank charger. This is important for example when I lift the anchor using the 12 volt electric windlass as it provides extra amps via the 12 volt charger so I don't deplete the 12 volt bank in lifting the anchor.


The nice thing as I said about electric propulsion it is easily adaptable as you needs, wallet  or technology changes. There are many ways one can go in setting up your system. But, in almost three years since I installed it  I have not found a need to change from the Honda, solar and wind system I have onboard. In short it works for me.


Capt. Mike

--- On Mon, 9/27/10, Steve Dolan <> wrote:

From: Steve Dolan <>
Subject: RE: [Electric Boats] Re: motoring with a battery charger (Rectified?)
To: "" <>
Date: Monday, September 27, 2010, 10:33 AM


I'm not sure if this is possible or even cheaper under the conditions you're all talking about but here is a question and maybe a suggestion.


What about rectifying the voltage off the Generator to what ever you need. For the batteries and the motor(s). Let's say both the bank and the motors need 48V. The Genset would provide I believe (the Honda 2000?) around 24A? Sent to a common buss bar the batteries would be charged with anything the motor wasn't asked to use. The charger would be off line under this condition and as long as you didn't exceed the batteries maintenance charge input you could run it all day. On shore power the genset would be off. You could even wire the Genset to bypass the rectifier (a switch) to provide 120V.   

I'm just throwing out a suggestion or an idea and not sure of the numbers I have used but I would guess this would have to be simpler and have less voltage drop since it's only 1 piece of equipment and more or less a direct connection to the motors and batteries from the genset.


Am I way off on this??


Steve in Solomons MD

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