Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] marine grade 48Volt charger


Hi Bradley,
We've been using WFCO power converters in several conversions. While not marine rated, they have fully conformal coated boards, and have proven reliable is every install. Power converters are designed to provide continuous power, are fan cooled, and have isolated outputs. They're available in sizes from 35a to 95a, at 12v. Iota makes a marine rated unit identical to the WFCO units, rated at 35a, 24v if you feel you really need the sticker. 

Advanced Marine Electric Propulsion

From: semicolonsutra <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 12:58 AM
Subject: [Electric Boats] marine grade 48Volt charger

I need a recommendation on a 48 volt high amp charger that is marine grade. I am running ME0913 with SevCon Gen4 with a single bank 48V 4x12V battery bank. I had the Zivan NG-1 but unfortunately it is just not capable of being used very well in a marine environment as far as I'm concerned. it's a great charger but I have to take it out of the boat after each charge and sail. I believe I'd prefer a single bank 48 volt charger instead of a 4 bank charger 12V charger but am open to conversion with reasonable argument. Does anyone have a good or great suggestion on this front?



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