Wednesday, October 24, 2012

[Electric Boats] Re: 12V Accessories (Refrigeration)


Thanks, appreciated, that puts it to rest. Would have been nice though.
Disagree about re-inventing the wheel, BTW, although many ideas that myself and others in various forums and off-forum emails have, are already thought of (which is possibly a validation, as it proves that the idea was maybe on the right track) - I have never come across a stand-alone cooling device that does not use electricity, but instead uses direct mechanical power, (thus saving the batteries for other things). And ones that use a well proven early 20th century gas flame system cannot be tilted.
On the bright side, it possibly simplifies things, as it might make a Peltier system with dedicated wind turbine the way to go despite the inefficiency, and both can be purchased as ready to use retail items.
  1.1. Re: 12V Accessories (Refrigeration)      Posted by: "mattelderca" mattelderca      Date: Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:02 pm ((PDT))        The simple answer to this is No, an automotive compressor will not function at low rpm's. (I work on them regularly)    IMHO, this topic is re-inventing the wheel. While I'll concede that inventing or tinkering is fun and educational, in this case it ain't cheaper or more efficient than ready made solutions.  
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