Sunday, October 21, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] charge on paralleled capacitors


talk to Mike and George, they are real live experts on electric power for yachts,
and they are on our group most every day man !
I feel sure either of them will be happy to make sure you get the right stuff,
why re design the wheel, these E-Y kits work so well and are pretty much cost neutral in the long run, eh mate?
just an aside, no offense intended,
my grampa used to tell us , "ye kin lead a horse t' water , but y' kin't stop em from pissin  in it.

From: Kirk McLoren <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sun, October 21, 2012 4:08:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] charge on paralleled capacitors


I am struggling with motor design at present. Hope to have something to say next year.
Bought a huge killer neodymium magnet that managed to pinch the fool out of me.
See, I am smarter already.
Will Rogers quote: "Stupidity got us into this – why can't it get us out?" 

From: Joe Lawton <>
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2012 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] charge on paralleled capacitors

I think that is the reason most of us partake in these discussions is to learn more and to better understand what causes our electric boats to get us from point A to point B the best and most convenient way possible.   It also gives us a lot of direction for our own experimentation which is the spice of life.  Web sites and links mentioned here are also mostly pertaining to our needs and wants without having to sift thru way too much.
Just my 10 cents worth.  (if you want more, discounts are available!)

Keep on Sparkin'

Joe L

--- On Sun, 10/21/12, Kirk McLoren <> wrote:

actually it affects how people understand charge. EDN just published an article on it and had it wrong.
Most people believe EDN because that's how the text books explain it so perusal of the internet will be small help.
free on Nov 2 so download then and discover the truth.

If you are going to use electricity to power your boat or anything else I think the better your understanding the better you can make predictions.
I firmly believe you are better off with more knowledge.

Will Rogers quote: "Stupidity got us into this – why can't it get us out?" 

From: Myles Twete <>

Sure, the reader is free, but you're asking 99cents to read it…nothing in the intro or glossary inspire me to pay for something that I can get for free on Wikipedia or numerous other sites.  Sorry.
More to the point of this list: What does "charge on paralleled capacitors" have to do with Electric Boats?
Please resist self-promotional advertising on this list.

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