Wednesday, October 24, 2012

[Electric Boats] Re: marine grade 48Volt charger


The QuickCharge SCO48(25 or 15) is a solid unit. I is not specifically designed for the marine environment but rather the unit is designed to be mounted on a moveable machine - usually a material handling unit. Build very rugged and programmable. They connect to the positive and negative at the front and back of the 48v string. The numbers on their displays are not the status of the batteries but rather the status of the charge cycle. Very well priced for a very rugged unit.
Electric Yacht So Cal

--- In, semicolonsutra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I need a recommendation on a 48 volt high amp charger that is marine grade. I am running ME0913 with SevCon Gen4 with a single bank 48V 4x12V battery bank. I had the Zivan NG-1 but unfortunately it is just not capable of being used very well in a marine environment as far as I'm concerned. it's a great charger but I have to take it out of the boat after each charge and sail. I believe I'd prefer a single bank 48 volt charger instead of a 4 bank charger 12V charger but am open to conversion with reasonable argument. Does anyone have a good or great suggestion on this front?
> Cheers,
> Bradley

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