Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Re: [Electric Boats] BP Solar Panels


Where are the panels? Can I buy a few?
Austin, TX

Michael Brotherton wrote:
> I recently came in contact with someone who was given 280 BP solar
> panels after
> a gas station dismantled them. They say Pmax 42W, Max System Voltage
> 250v, UL
> Max sys 117V.... He gave me one with a crack in the glass to test
> out... I
> hooked up a volt meter today (very late in the day so not that much
> sun) and it
> read 80 volts. The cells are enclosed in 2 sheets of glass. I only have
> experience with my 12V panel on my boat and haven't seen a high
> voltage panel
> until now. I guess these were meant for direct grid tie in.
> He's selling the panels for $40 each, but if I buy a bunch of them
> he'll let
> them go for $30 each. Just wondering what the groups input was as to
> whether I
> should make the purchase and possible ideas as to what I should do
> with them.
> They are pretty large and from what i've read online have a tendency
> to gather
> moisture in between the glass sheets. I could try to remove the sheet
> of cells
> from the glass and put them in something else.
> Any comments or ideas welcome
> Thanks,
> Mike

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