Wednesday, September 8, 2010

[Electric Boats] Re: Dan's Hybrid idea #2


Of course, thanks. Not sleeping well so brain is dead.

--- In, Daniel Michaels <nov32394@...> wrote:
> The motor is between the engine and the prop. If the engine is in neutral the motor only turns the prop. If the engine is running and the belt is on the engine turns the motor (Charging) and the prop.
> Dan
> --- On Tue, 9/7/10, sirdarnell <sirdarnell@...> wrote:
> From: sirdarnell <sirdarnell@...>
> Subject: [Electric Boats] Re: Dan's Hybrid idea #2
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 12:56 PM
> If the gear is in neutral than the motor is not attached to the staff, right?
> --- In, Daniel Michaels <nov32394@> wrote:
> >
> > Lets start with an Atomic 4 still in the boat and running good. Use the same idea in reverse. Put the PMAC motor after the engine Timing gear on shaft going to motor.
> >
> > Now we are looking for more range, quiet operation, or using free power when able.
> >
> > Remove the starter on the engine (Not really sure it will work but its worth a shot). Replace the alternator with a 48v.
> >
> > To use the motor put the engine in neutral and use the motor throttle.
> >
> > To use the engine put it in forward and use the motor to start it. Now you can leave the motor in neutral and charge the batteries with the PMAC and alternator. Each time the batteries are full you can shut down the engine and run on batteries until you need to recharge them. I think it will give you double the range. You can easily add this system on to your working engine to see how well it works without changing much of anything.
> >
> > Dan
> >

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