Friday, May 15, 2015

Re: [Electric Boats] Daydreaming about the next project: An electric day cruiser...



One way you might get the speeds you want with low power is to make it a hydro foil catamaran. We are starting to see lots of sail power vessels foiling. The technology is starting to mature and is becoming more common place.

An electric power vessel would certainly have a more reliable motive force than wind and should foil easier. With foils any added weight and drag from the batteries, hulls, etc would be negated so a short waterline is possible with higher speed. Do a search for kite foiling boards. They are 5' long and do 20+knts with wind power alone.

I am not a boat designer so I don't know how much power and speed you would need for the initial lift but after the hulls lift clear of the water the power demands would drop drastically. I am sure there is a compromise between foil size and shape for lift versus speed and drag from size, but it would be interesting to experiment and find the right combo for an electric catamaran in the size you are talking about.

This would be an interesting problem as a senior thesis for any up and coming navel architects.

Mike Roll


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