Thursday, May 14, 2015

Re: [Electric Boats] Daydreaming about the next project: An electric day cruiser...



My feeling is that a 6'x12' twin pontoon would be undersized for any more than 4 people. That many people and the battery weight would be a bit unsteady. For round pontoons (the cheap ones you will find), once you bury one past the half way point (on a 8 kts turn?) they loose the compounding buoyancy at the get deeper (that you find in a V or U bottom). Each increased inch of draft would add decreasing displacement.

This EV pontoon commercially at 22' is only rated for 8 ppl.

But to stay positive (and mechanically creative) and to stay in your garage space and be trailer-able , have you considered a "slide out" design?

Think of four 8' pontoons, two mounted to a 7'x12' deck on the rear outside corners with 3" vertical lift spacers. A 5.5'x 12' deck with the other 2 mounted to the front on lateral slides to be able to slide them out past the deck to match the rears. And then mount the decks smaller front deck to slide with a 4' overlap (you could forego the decking on the back 4' of the smaller to save some weight). Use cables for safety rail.

You would have adequate displace my for ppl and batteries. How are your aluminum welding skills?

Scott Pedersen
Sent from my iPhone


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