Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Re: [Electric Boats] disipating heat


If you don't mind me asking, why do you need to?  If it's a proprietry unit they should provide, if it's your own creation or an off the shelf unit that only asks for air cooling normally then use forced airflow if you can.
Heat exchangers in Maine use should always be either 316 stainless steel or the correct grade of cupro nickel if u want any sort of efficiency, BUT even if you do, mother nature is always out to get you in that environment. If you connect to your motor with anything metal or even run one close you'll get induced currents which will add to the electrolytic action etc etc.
It's ask good on paper and indeed in practice for a while but unless you're a rare preventive maintenance freak, of your lucky your heat exchanger will spring a leak, of your unlucky your electric motor will!!! And seeing it's probably aluminium bodied out will chop first.

On 25 Jun 2013 16:14, "Orest Iwaszko" <orestyko@hotmail.com> wrote:

Has anyone used a water jacket of some kind or water tubes like a still from salt water to cool the electric motor . There may be a thread already if someone could steer me to it. Or is it feasible ?

Thanks Orest Port Alberni.

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