Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: 1000w per ton?


Agree with that Arby. Got pretty beat up yesterday during a transit down the East River. Wind against current and on the nose so sails were not much help. But, plenty of thrust to straighten out the boat when needed. Waters filled with lots of silt and debris too from hurricane Irene too. Nice not to have a raw water intake anymore to worry about either. :)

Capt. Mike

Sent from on board BIANKA

From: Arby Bernt <>
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 08:59:36 -0700 (PDT)
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Electric Boats] Re: 1000w per ton?


I just changed our Ericson 27 (6800lbs) from a 2kw 24v system to a 5kw 48v system. At 2kw, the boat was fine in the harbor, but right at the practical limit for use in SF Bay. Add a stiff wind on the nose, however, and 2kw wouldn't move the boat. With 5kw on line, heavy seas and wind aren't a problem. 
The power ratio isn't for flat water, but rather to give you an edge when the going gets rough. The top speed has gone up a little, but the real advantage is being able to maintain control in adverse conditions.  

Be Well,

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