Thursday, September 22, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: Catalina 27 conversion


On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 07:59:11PM +0000, Capt. Mike wrote:
> Ben
> Oh I see. Shame because now would be the perfect time for you to do an EP
> install. When I installed my system costs were about a wash with a new diesel.
> Of course I did most of the install myself.

I agree - it *would* be the perfect time! I'd be willing to do the
install myself to save on the costs, but even the basic hardware in the
quotes that I've seen is way out of whack with the diesel cost. It seems
like that 45-50 mile/day requirement is the killer.

(Any of you commercial folks, please feel free to jump in and/or contact
me off-list if you have something that would handle this - I'm getting
ready to spend serious bucks in the next week or so, and I'd much rather
it went for an e-system than a stinky, dirty ICE. :)

> I keep thinking about heading south too one of these years. I know it will
> involve a lot of motoring but, since I've been currently been operating for
> four years with my Honda 2000 and the 900 watt zivan charger I still have
> additional power in the generator I could tap for extended motoring. I could
> also take along a second Honda 2000 and an associated 48 volt power supply for
> additional motoring current. Or just carry a Honda 3000 on deck for the ICW
> trip instead. At least that's some of my ideas. I do like that there are lot's
> of options when an EP system is installed.

I had a passing thought of coupling two Hondas - they're designed for it
- for driving the system when the batteries were tapped, but the whole
thing currently doesn't seem practicable. Although I'm still hoping
that someone will suggest an electric-based solution.

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