Friday, September 30, 2011

Re: [Electric Boats] 12-20Kw Motor Best Buy?


Don't forget Electric Yacht in MN

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 6:02 PM, viperpurple <> wrote:


I am just converting a very old diesel powered boat into an electric one and have been looking at all the different companies out there who supply the motors. I have listed the ones i've found so far but i am hopeing that someone has had experience with using these motors and so i can get some feedback. I'm after information on the reliability, value for money, performance, speed vs battery drain etc.

I hope you can help, i have put some more detail about my boat below.

Companies so far - Thoosa, Solomon, Lynch, Elco

Boat Details:

Dimensions = 8m x 2.5m and sits in the water by 30cm
Weight = ~4.5 tonnes (with diesel engine etc.)
Hull Speed = 6.8 Knots
Engine power Needed = 12-20Kw as it will need to drive into 20mph winds

If you have more advice or have a question then please get in touch



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George Johnson
GeoMar Logistics
Jomtien, Chonburi


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