Sunday, December 29, 2013

Re: [Electric Boats] Intro


Hi Bob,

The sheave and alternator idea would only help if you planned to generate some electricity while sailing. If so, there are many electric propulsion options that already allow for it by letting the water turn the prop to generate electricity which is fed trough the controller which rectifies it and puts it back into the batteries.  It's called regen.  It's just that at our boat sizes (~28-30 feet), the returns just aren't there. Others on this list have fed back some experience with regen and it looks to be around 40:1. 40 hours of sailing at speed x will put back enough amp hours to allow motoring at speed x for one hour. If all you do is passage making under sail, then this will probably work. If not, just get a big 250W) solar panel over your cockpit and forget about regen as a useful option. 

If you were thinking of attaching an alternator to your drive shaft with another belt and pulley, with the hopes of charging your battery pack with your propulsion system, think about it a little more. You'd be charging your battery bank with your battery bank. All you'd wind up doing is draining your bank faster. You'd be spending 100Whr of battery power to get at best 75WHr back, probably even less.


On Dec 28, 2013, at 11:51, bob jennings <> wrote:


Hi, new member here.
EP for recreational boats is a pretty interesting concept.
I have a 28' project sailboat & want to repower the old Volvo before I put her in the water. I've pretty much decided to go the electric route. There is a lot of information out there & decided to join the group before undertaking my science experiment. I am leaning towards the 5KW electric yacht system. 
My boat will be on a mooring so I'm contemplating building a small DC generator instead of an AC charger run off a gas generator. Seems many that go this route have a slip with shore power or use the Honda 2000 as part of their hybrid but from what I've read they have to run her for 3-4 hours when recharging the battery bank due to amp limitations of the generator. Coming from the power boat crowd I don't mind a little noise but up here in the northeast the sailors go nuts when you run a generator in an anchorage....   
Is a DC generator fueled by gas or diesel a viable solution for quickly recharging a bank compared to an AC charger & Honda generator?
Another thought I had. Has anyone tried to install a sheave on the prop shaft so that it turns an alternator when in EP mode to help recharge the battery bank? I wasn't sure if the addition of a sheave & belt put so much additional torque on the electric motor that it was counter productive. 
Thanks & Happy New Year!
Bob Jennings

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