Sunday, December 29, 2013

[Electric Boats] RE: Tartan 30 Sailboat


I sell the Elco along with other motors and we have done a couple Tartan 30.  The boat is well served with electric as you remove the vibration, noise, heat, and smell of the ICE from your cabin.  You should think in terms of the EP2000 as it is closer to the power that Sparkman and Stevens envisioned for the boat.  At 8.5kW it will push the boat with authority and likely get you to hull speed.  There are also 48v systems that will do the same.  For a battery bank, I would also think in terms of a 150AH 72v system or a 200AH 48v system to give you a good range and match the power draws of the motor. With the smaller systems, you may find that batteries can be installed in the compartment with the motor.
Electric Yacht of Southern California

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