Monday, December 23, 2013

[Electric Boats] new to the group


Hello my name is Gerry Boy from Esperanza B.C. Canada 

I am researching E-boats and I will be doing a project with the local high-school building a RedWing 23 hull into an Electric, inboard most likely, although we could do outboard as the hull is all ready set up for it with a well. 
I also would like to eventually build an electric (probably hybrid) vessel that would meet the needs of Esperanza which is a non-profit organization (Boat in only community) which does summer camps and other workshops and programs for healing and restoration here in Nootka Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island. That would be a 12 passenger vessel hopefully attaining a 10 kt. cruise for a min 2 hour run time as it takes about 40 min. @ 10 kt. to get to town one way.
Electric makes sense for us because we produce our own hydro electricity via Pelton wheel and we spend thousands on fuel each month to run our small fleet of boats.

I would like to learn more about electric systems as I am not very experienced in that field. I would also like to hear about peoples real time experiences with different systems and hull shapes, battery banks, motors, etc.  

My biggest interest is in the area of efficient semi-displacment and low displacement / length monohulls.

Thank you for having me in the group


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