Friday, December 27, 2013

[Electric Boats] RE: help with bms


from what I have seen the Orion is for lithium and since it wouldn't make sense ($) for me to go lithium I've decided Lead Acid with the added benefit of being ballast

---In electricboats@{{emailDomain}}, <dfwmcse@...> wrote:

Just get the Orion BMS.  You can charge three banks at once (up to 108 batteries) with a single unit.  You can daisy chain them for even more capacity.

The Orion has a "charge enable" signal that, when connected to a relay switch, could enable multiple charge sources (solar, wind, regeneration, ...).  It also has a "charge disable" signal that can be tied into a different relay to disable non-critical loads (AC inverters, ...) in the event the battery bank gets critically low.  The Orion is fully featured and will do pretty much everything you could think of doing with a BMS.  It is also very well documented.

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