Monday, December 30, 2013

[Electric Boats] Generating electricity from an electric motor while sailing


I am no expert on electric motors and power. My basic understanding is that turning over an electric motor can produce electricity. I realise is can be a complex business - depending on whether the motor is induction, brushed etc, AC or DC, the revs and gearing needed etc.

Pretty useful thing for sail boats though, using an existing electric motor to be able to charge batteries while under sail.

I have a Farrier F-31 (see which I only motor in and out of dock or on the rare occasion when there is no wind here in Tasmania. I much prefer to sail. This trimaran has different characteristics to a monohull (greater range of speed and less tolerance of weight). This sort of battery charging configuration would especially suit a monohull where batteries could provide very useful ballast down low in the boat, and where speed has a lesser range.

I have not been able to find any posts on this topic yet, can anyone help?


Chris Wilson
Abels Bay, Tasmania

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