Sunday, April 15, 2012

Re: [Electric Boats] Re: DC/DC Converters


On 16/04/12 00:10, rob linda wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I do not use shore power, I like my moat too much, being anchored, but
> I would not connect anything to shore ground, but use the superior
> boat "ground" and avoid stray current.

Don't ever plug into any 'shore' power with out an isolating
transformer then. Ever. Marina shore power sockets are earthed, they
have to be. One of the big problems with Marina's and shore power is
ground loops. Really nothing should be plugged in with out an isolating
transformer and for a good measure earth leakage current detectors that
will kill the power if it detects any significant leakage current, but
decent isolating transformers are expensive so not all boats in the
marina will be using them. Cutting the earth wire in your shore power
lead is not a solution.

I don't know about the US electrical code, but Australia runs what we
call a 'multiple earth neutral' system (MEN). So even if you think 'I'll
solve the ground loop problem and cut my earth wire in the shore power
lead', you will still have potential ground loops due to the power
system neutral wire being connected to earth back in the main switchboard.

If dealing with utility voltages. Follow the code. The code has been
developed by teams of engineers over years. It might not be perfect and
have grey areas, but a brains trust has been grappling with it.


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