Thursday, April 19, 2012

[Electric Boats] Re: Super Capacitors, Electric Motors, Wind Gen, Solar Panels and Li Ion Batteries


Hi Bob,

It seems like a Super Cap would be better suited for EVs (high loads that are intermittant) but I haven't heard of anyone that has done it successfully. Many have tried, but the current technology just doesn't deliver. Since as boaters, we use our energy slower and more consistently, batteries are more effective.

But if you've got some extra supercaps laying around, it might be worth putting them in your boat and see how they work.

Fair winds,
Marina del Rey, CA

--- In, "bobolmedo" <bobolmedo@...> wrote:
> I'm looking for any information on experience that members have had with all of the above working together.
> My thoughts were to generate electricity with wind and solar to the Super Cap. Convert it to the Li Ion and also use some directly from the Super Cap through an Inverter.
> Just thought I'd throw it out there and see what people think.
> Thanks
> Bob

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